Saturday, 30 August 2014

Life: Job Hunting

So I have spent the last week job hunting, what can I say it is a very stressful process! Not only is it stressful but it is also very time consuming and can be very demotivating at times. How can you get experience when no one will give you experience? What's the point in public transport if you need to have a driving licence to get to work?

I've tried everything over the past few days to attempt secure a job, from rewriting my CV to literally applying for any and every job I come across. I have landed myself 3 interviews - 2 I have already attended and I have one on Monday (which clashed with assessment days to one of the jobs I had an interview for).

I have had interviews for a sales job and a coffee shop/ bar I felt that they both went really well however I feel as though my age is something that holds me back. I also don't see myself as a door to door sales person and now that I have another interview that clashes with the assessment days what do I do? Do I attend the assessment days and not the other interview or do I attend the interview and not the assessment? It is really difficult to decide what to do.

Who would have thought job hunting was this stressful. I also thought I would find it alot easier to get a job here in Cardiff due to it being a city. However it has been harder than both Cambridge and Bournemouth.

Oh well, as long as I keep up my intense job search hopefully I will find that I land myself a job soon!

- Stacey xo

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Life: Welcome to Cardiff

Since we moved into our new house its been very hectic. We've done very grown up things like go to B&Q and buy things to make our television aerial work. It's very different having our own home compared to house sharing with other students.

For the first time in my life I've also felt homesick. I've been missing my family ridiculous amounts it's weird. It's like the barrier that made me feel like I didn't want to be in Cambridge has gone. Katie-Jo has been really good with it though and has been really understanding.

Katie-Jo has managed to get herself not one but two jobs. I'm really proud of her as she managed to do it so quickly and seems to be enjoying it so far. I have managed to get a job interview on Friday - fingers crossed I get it!

There have been a few other things that have happened since we have moved but they are going to have their own posts. So keep checking back to see what else has happened since we've moved

- Stacey xo

Monday, 4 August 2014

life: Sheep, Dragons and 5p Carrier Bags

What a busy few days! It's crazy to think that I now live in Wales - although I havent seen a single sheep yet, but that might have something to do with being in Cardiff rather than somewhere more open.

Saturday and Sunday were very busy. We got our keys bang on the dot at 10am on Saturday and managed to have all the boxes out of the van by 10.40am - not bad! Especially considering we thought it would take a lot longer and arranged with the van hire place to take it back later. Katie-Jo's Mum Clare and Sister Jay-J stayed to help us unpack and her Auntie Catherine and Mel came over. We decided to go to ASDA and get some shopping including a purple microwave and a telly! As Katie-Jo is ill the plans got changed for Saturday evening instead of going out Laura and Sahithya came over and we ordered pizza and got everything out of the boxes and tidied up a bit.

Sunday was a bit more chilled as Katie-Jo's cold really hit her, we went over to Clare's house and had breakfast. We also sorted out a set of bookshelves which Clare brought over later for us. We stopped off at sone shops to buy a few things that we needed for the house, turns out we managed to get the wrong arieal wire though.

I'm really looking forward to getting to know my own way around and being able to find places myself. Although I am venturing out today to get some medicine for Katie-Jo so we'll see how thay goes. Oh and I have to remember to take a carrier bag with me so that I don't have to pay 5p.

- Stacey xo

Friday, 1 August 2014

Life: Our Engagement Party


On the 6th June 2014 Clare (Katie-Jo's Mum) organised an engagement party for us in Cardiff. My Mum, Dad, brother and sister came up from Cambridge. It was such a wicked night. The video above is some of the video from the night.

- Stacey xo