Sunday, 22 December 2013
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Entering 20 Years of Life… AKA My Birthday
Until this year I haven’t had one of those birthdays where you can look back and say ‘that was my best birthday yet.’ I was gutted on my 18th because I was ill, my other birthdays have been alright/good but nothing really happened that made them stand out… my birthday this year topped them all.
My birthday started on the 7th and didn’t finish until the 11th!
Katie-Jo surprised me on the Thursday with dinner at an Italian restaurant, then champagne on the beach and she also gave me my present. We had a really good evening and it was just really good to spend time together. – To be honest that would have been more than enough to celebrate my birthday!
On Friday me and Katie-Jo decorated the house with balloons and banners, ready for Rachael R, Annie and Amiee to arrive. Katie-Jo did more of the decorating and I did more directing. We went and picked Rachael up from the train station and went into ASDA then we tried to leave but the car park was jammed and so we ended up picking Annie & Aimee up at the same time. We all chilled out for a bit and had a few drinks.
Saturday was my actual birthday! It was a ridiculously wicked day. I started the day off by opening my card and presents from my family, then some balloons arrived from Katie-Jo and then she made me breakfast. Once the girls woke up they gave me cards and some chocolates. We all chilled out for a bit and then got ready to go and see Jessie J. We queued for Jessie J for an hour or so, which seemed like forever but was totally worth it because Jessie J was sick! We went and got McDonalds and then spent forever trying to find a taxi, when we finally found one we were basically half the way home, and the dude didn’t even take us all the way home! We met Rachael D at home and she gave me my present (a onesie and a cuddly Alien from Toy Story) we all had drinks and it ended up being a really wicked night.
On Sunday, Rachael left and we took Rachael to the train station. Me and Katie-Jo went to ASDA to get some stuff so that we could all have a roast dinner. We spent the rest of the day chilling out and I made a roast dinner for everyone… Which took a while to cook. We then finished the day off by playing Cardiff Monopoly.
Then on Monday, Annie and Aimee left and my new laptop arrived.
All in all it was a wicked weekend, and I really enjoyed it.
- Stacey xo
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Bucket List
Standard- New York
- The Statue of Liberty
- Dubai
- Tower of Pisa
- San Francisco
- Venice
- New Zealand
- Niagara Falls
- Australia
- The Great Wall
- The Grand Canyon
- Eiffel Tower
- Disney Land Florida
- Madame Tussauds
- The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
- Warner Bros Studio Tour London (The Making of Harry Potter)
- Auschwitz
- Golden Gate Bridge
- African Safari
- See the Northern Lights
- Get a Tattoo ✔
- Pass My Driving Test
- Move Out
- Live by the Sea ✔
- Drink Champagne on the Beach ✔
- Get A Degree
- Get My Poetry Published ✔
- Get Married
- Go Skydiving
- Go Bungee Jumping
- Have kids
- Own a VW Camper Van
- Meet Someone Famous
- Be on TV
Me, Myself and I… And This Blog!
How exciting, this is the first post on this blog... it's all shiny and new - maybe not shiny but definitely new! I thought I'd create a new blog to write about my new (not really) adult life - sharing is caring. I never considered being 18 as being an adult, I don't know why... Probably because I was still a teenager I always saw becoming 20 as becoming an adult as it’s the start of a new decade and new responsibilities.
I am Stacey (that is my real name, in case you were wondering) and I have lived on this planet for 20 whole years - I miss being a teenager already, 20 feels old... too old. I have been 20 for 25 whole days and I already feel old - how is that even possible! I was born in Cambridge, UK and lived there for the majority of my life, well until last September - I have never really appreciated its history and why its famous until when I went back in June after being away at university for the year. I now live in Bournemouth and am currently battling to complete the second (and final) year of my foundation degree in Business and Management, I'm hoping to get on to the top up course next year. When I say I got to university people assume that I'm clever, I don't know why... I don't see myself as clever, in fact I know I'm not! Getting myself through my assignments is a massive battle, I always feel like I know absolutely nothing about the topic, I have basically zero concentration, I never know where to start and I get distracted far too easily. But I am getting there, slowly.
I have a weird obsession with star signs and horoscopes that not many people know about! I am a Scorpio it’s probably because I am so similar to my star sign and it weirds me out, it always fascinates me to see if other people have any of the attributes to their star sign. I just simply find it fascinating.
I have a (un)healthy addiction to several things. I’m not even joking when I say I eat ridiculous amounts of chocolate, I have no idea how I haven’t put on crazy amounts of weight – can quite happily just eat chocolate all day everyday (but then who couldn’t!). I own several onesies too many – they are far too comfortable not to wear them (the giraffe one is one of my favourites)! I spend nearly all my life attached to my phone or laptop, I’m probably seen as one of the most unsociable people in the world (well at least the county) this is as a result of my unhealthy addiction to the internet. I’m nearly always wearing a hat, snapbacks are my current favourite at the moment. I have an unhealthy love for Toy Story, it’s one (probably my most) favourite film of all time and if you know me personally and don’t know that by now you should be ashamed of yourself.
I have an awesome family who I know I can turn to with anything and everything. We’re like any family we wind each other up but at the end of the day we are always there for each other. I love them all to to pieces. My Mum is literally one of my best friends – I’m really lucky to have been able to have this kind of relationship with my Mum from quite a young age and I’ve always had a lot of respect for her and have always looked up to her, I moan about her at times – but she knows me on a whole other level compared to everyone else – I can talk to her about almost anything and she is one of ‘those’ people who I know I can always count on without fail. My relationship with my Dad is quite strong, it’s definitely become stronger as I’ve gotten older, I know I can always turn to him if I need him and I don’t just scream and shout at him like I used to – he’s one of the people I respect and he can fix almost anything and everything. When I was younger I didn’t always show my dad how much I appreciated him, and I pushed him away quite a bit and as I have gotten older I have recognised this and slowly tried to fix it. My parents, are incredibly supportive and have always supported me (as well as my brother and sister) without fail, they don’t really judge us and they guide us but don’t dictate to us which is something I have always respected and appreciated (even though I might not have always shown it). My (older) sister, Natasha, and (younger) brother, Aaron, are two of the people (other than my parents) I am most protective over in the world, I would hate for anything to happen to them, I have so many memories with them growing up and they probably don’t even really know how much they mean to me. Looking at the three of us you probably wouldn’t think we are that close, but I know I can always talk to my sister and turn to her for help if I need it and my brother is just as crazy as I am and we are so similar its weird. My whole family just means so much to me and I don’t know what I’d do without them
I have an incredibly awesome and beautiful girlfriend, who’s name is Kaite-Jo she happens to not only be my girlfriend but also one of my best friends which is the best combination because it means I can turn to her with everything and anything. Yes, I have a girlfriend, yes this also means I’m not ‘straight’ although no I’m not ‘gay’ – I’m somewhere in the middle probably a lot closer to being gay than being straight. But who cares! I’m ridiculously happy and really couldn’t imagine being with anyone else! We actually haven’t known each other for very long but it feels like I have known her forever and I definitely feel lucky to have her as part of my life and even luckier to be able to call her my girlfriend.
I have several really close friends, who help me through a lot and this is going to be hard because I don’t want to name every single person who has helped me out, but there are several people who I speak to regularly, know I can lean on and mean an awful lot to me. Basically what I am saying is if you actually know me and I don’t name you please don’t be offended. When I came to university I felt like I was drifting away from a lot of my friends, I was at a point in sixth form college where I was drifting in and out of friendship groups and didn’t really feel like I belonged anywhere. I’m 100 percent definitely not saying the friends I had a sixth form were rubbish, far from it – it’s just they didn’t always feel like they were the strongest friendships and ever since leaving sixth form we rarely speak. However (back to the original point), When I came to uni I met three girls (other than Katie-Jo) who I have become really close to, Rachael, Megan, and Josie. Megan was the first person on my course that I met, and we have stayed friends ever since. Rachael, I became close to during our first assignment last year and then gradually she basically moved into our house at the end of last year. I was gutted when she quit because we became so close although I know I can always chat to her if I need to. My friendship with Josie grew at the end of last year too we just ended up talking about our lives and I know if I need a chat I can turn to her.
Two of my closest friends which I have known for quite a while (almost feels like forever) are Bethany (Betherz) and Rachael Robinson (there are loads of them in the world!). Bethany moved to my secondary school and we clicked almost instantly, we could be dickheads together and we didn’t care, I’m almost always in stitches when we’re together – she also got me one of my jobs (what a top friend). Rachael I met when I was playing football but really got on when we worked together, she always makes me laugh and I know she’s got my back and I’ve got hers.
There are quite a few people I want to mention here thinking about it but I’m only going to mention one other person, Annie. I met her right at the end of last year she came and stayed with us in our shared house as she’s Katie-Jo’s friend although I ended up inviting her to stay when I was drunk, and we just got on. She’s one of those people who you feel like you’ve known for a really long time. She can also make me laugh with her stories about really random stuff.
The one thing I value most about all of my friends is that I can always have a laugh with them and they all know I don’t take myself too seriously and they don’t really care about it.
I can imagine this blog is going to basically me just chatting about a whole bunch of random stuff, as well as a place for me to vent and rant about stuff.
Anyways that’s it – if you want to know more about me, come back and check this blog out soon!
- Stacey xo
Speak to Me... Ways To Contact Me
Snapchat: @stazzyhubbs
Check 'em out!
- Stacey xo
Monday, 14 October 2013
Poem: Thinking of You Wondering If You're Thinking of Me
StandardThinking of you wondering if you're thinking of me
Should I tell you how I feel
Show you that love is really real
I can feel it in every part of me
If I could only make you see
The true meaning you have to me
I sit up all night thinking of you
And all the little things you do
If only you knew
What you do
When you're around I can't concentrate
Something inside me is telling me its fate
But as soon as you're around
I lose all the courage I thought I'd found
I want to show you off to everyone
You give meaning to the words of my favourite love song
I'm holding back because you might think I'm wrong
But I know with you I belong
- Esjae xo
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Poem: What Difference Does It Make
StandardSunday, 18 August 2013
Poem: Not For Your Entertainment
StandardSaturday, 17 August 2013
Poem: No Matter
StandardNo Matter
No matter where I turn
There is always something new I have to learn
Sometimes I feel so alienated
But then that makes me become even more motivated
I want to prove to everyone that I can
No matter which side of the fence they stand
Whether they have always believed in me
Or if they have hated me and everything I've wanted to be
I'll always want to see everyone else smile
Before I can, as that's what makes me feel worthwhile
I want to put everyone else first before me
As its their happiness I want to see
I've always believed, if you don't try you never will
But even still
If you try and can't succeed the first time
Remember, 'Quitters don't win' before you resign
- Esjae xo
Snapchat: stazzyhubbs
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Life: Happy Results Day
StandardSo much has changed for me in the past year all because I managed to scrape through the grades I needed for my A Levels to get to get me my place at uni. It has definitely been a year full of ups and downs and I have met some awesome people along the way.
I can't wait to start my second year!
- Esjae xo
Snapchat: stazzyhubbs
Poem: Everyone's Prison
StandardEveryone's Prison
Your mind is your own cell
Constantly battling with your own personal hell
A secret that you simply can't tell
Putting up a front so that nobody knows
The weakness that you can't afford to expose
Trying to define yourself as a person when you have so many personalities
Just so that you can cover up all of your vulnerabilities
When you are on your own
You're shaking at the bars so that you are not alone
Going around in circles trying to find a solution
For this private personal execution
You want to set yourself free
So that you are able to be
The person you have always known
But have always been to afraid to show
Let me know what you think.
- Esjae xo
Snapchat: stazzyhubbs
Life: Family Holiday Camping In Leiston
StandardCheck out the videos from my youtube channel and see what happened:
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Review: Between Friends by Amanda Cowen
StandardPublished March 2013
"If your looking for a fun, read this is sure one you will enjoy!" - Chris's Book Blog Emporium
"Short and sweet story with a adorable HEA for the hero and heroine that I don't think you should pass up!" - Jelena's Book Blog
"The chemistry between Ben and Megan were both funny during the preparations for Jessica's wedding to the most sweetest thing he could do to win her heart!" - Stuck In YA Books Book Blog
(New Adult Contemporary) **Mature Content** Recommended for ages 17+ due to sexual content and language.
The only way to have a friend is to be one…especially between the sheets…
When neurotically challenged and unlucky in love Megan Daniels is propositioned by her life-long friend Ben Romano with a coin toss (heads, they sleep together, tails, they don’t) the night before they are about to attend a destination wedding, she drunkenly accepts his challenge. But when Megan wakes up the next morning with a bad hang-over and Ben in her bed, she is more than mortified. It isn’t until the tropical heat begins to ignite emotions Megan never believed or thought she could possibly have, when she starts to question if risking their friendship is the answer to finding true love.
A cute and contemporary debut novel, BETWEEN FRIENDS faces one girl's struggle between the fine lines of friendship and love and the risk of opening up her heart to the possibility of forever.
I got this book free on my Kindle and read it whilst I was on holiday. I found it to have a slow start and was pretty predictable all the way through. However the characters were good although the situations they were in wasn't always believable.
The book was enjoyable overall even though in parts I found it difficult to read due to the plot being quite slow and feeling as though it took a while to get to the point.
- Esjae xo
Snapchat: stazzyhubbs
Life: Race For Life Cambridge
StandardAt the beginning of the summer I decided to sign up for the 'Race for Life' in Cambridge after saying I was going to do it a few years ago. Then my Mum and Auntie said they were going to do it too. Originally I was going to run the 5 km but due to injuring my ankle two days before so I ended up walking it with them too.
Below you can see a few videos from it:
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Update: I'm Now on Bloglovin!
Standard- Esjae xo
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Life Badges: Crane Game
StandardLife Badges: Ballet
StandardMy View: Teens Exposed
StandardRegardless of the gender I feel that it is never okay to share something that is meant to be so personal and private and make it completely public and place it somewhere where it will be available forever and could potentially damage their future career. Plus both parties could regret it in the future but due to where it has been put in a moment of anger they aren't able to take it back.
The moral of this story is that if it is avoidable (which in theory it is) don't share these kind of photos however, people will and do so make sure it is with someone you can completely trust and that you are aware of the risks involved afterwards.
Imagine if that was your daughter...
- Esjae xo
Snapchat: stazzyhubbs
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Youtube: Mum & Her Chair
StandardReview: Honest: My Story So Far by Tulisa
StandardTulisa Contostavlos is one of the most talented and high-profile recording artists working in the UK today. She has three platinum N-Dubz albums, four MOBO awards, a groundbreaking drama series, two documentaries, a MIND award and an X Factor judge's win under her belt. Not bad for a girl who's not yet twenty-five.
But this is not just a tale of glittering success. Tulisa grew up on a tough London estate and left school with no qualifications as she struggled to cope with deep-seated emotional problems while caring for her mother alone. She has seen first hand what drugs, alcohol, gang culture and violent relationships can do to young people, but she has come through it all to become the confident, inspiring artist she is today.
After taking her little muffins Little Mix to the winning spot of the X Factor at the end of 2011, and with her long-awaited solo album being released later this year, the future is bright for Tulisa. Told in her own words, this is her story.
As a fan of Tulisa I knew that I would enjoy this book before I started especially as I also enjoy reading autobiographies - was I disappointed? Not at all! The book completely lived up to its title right from the beginning. The writing style of the book is engaging which makes reading the book even more enjoyable for the reader.
After reading the autobiography I feel as though I have learnt a lot about Tulisa as a person alongside her career which is exactly what I hoped to get out of the autobiography before I started. The book really does give you a great insight into Tulisa's life both before she became famous and after she became famous which enables the reader to see how she uses her past experiences and how she works for her success.
I would recommend this book for anyone who is interested in Tulisa whether they dislike her, are a fan or are simply interested in her life as this book could really change their opinions of her and give them a greater understanding of her life away from the media and how they perceive her to be. Although there are some adult themes that run throughout the book which aren't obviously suitable to all ages.
4 out of 5
- Esjae xo
Snapchat: stazzyhubbs
Review: The Rockstar's Daughter (The Treadwell Academy Novels) by Caitlyn Duffy
StandardAt the age of 15, Taylor Beauforte has only met her father twice in person. After all, he is the lead singer of a world-famous rock band, constantly on the cover of music magazines and giving interviews on MTV. He pays for Taylor to attend the Treadwell Academy, a prestigious boarding school in Massachusetts, and provides her mother with monthly checks to cover her basic needs, but has never made much of an effort to play an active part in Taylor’s life. Taylor's mom Dawn is the only family she has ever really known, and because of Dawn's hard-partying Hollywood lifestyle, studious Taylor is happiest on the other side of the country in Massachusetts with her nose buried in a book.
When Taylor 's mom unexpectedly dies the summer before Taylor starts her junior year, she receives a crash course in fame. She has no choice but to join her father and his new family on their summer concert tour before she has even had a chance to mourn the loss of her mother. Life as the daughter of a rock star seems like it would be enviable, but Taylor can't figure her dad out. He seems like a supportive authority figure (even if he's kind of a fashion tragedy) , but she is collecting a growing pile of evidence that he's a liar and a cheat. Her stepmother, Jill, can’t seem to decide if she wants to treat Taylor like a girlfriend or a nuisance. Having had no time to grieve and say goodbye to her childhood before being thrust into the limelight, Taylor is suddenly finding herself in situations she could have never imagined before this summer.
With no one else to turn to, Taylor falls head over heels in love with Jake, the teenage son of one of the band's touring groupies. Taylor has growing concerns about Jake's background and the suspicious relationship between his mom and her own father, but is desperate for something real in her life onto which she can build a future. When Jake offers Taylor an opportunity to join him on a whirlwind adventure and leave her problems with her father far behind, Taylor has to decide – should she carve out her own way in the world, or try to repair the relationship she has with her only living parent?
Over the course of the summer with the band, Taylor learns the depths of her own strength, the difficulty of overcoming loss, and that the definition of family means much more than shared bloodlines.
This book is quite clearly targeted towards the female teen market however being at the higher end of that particular market I still enjoyed this book and feel that many young adults could potentially enjoy this book if they wanted a quick light read. Although that being said this book is ideal for the market it is targeted at.
It has all of the essential components for a modern day love story, so a great book for you to get lost in as a summer read or even if you want to remember the summer in the winter months! The book uses its characters to address real life issues very well and makes them remain realistic and also enables the reader to be able to empathise with the characters as the realism of the situations is portrayed within the books.
Not only does the book address some serious real life issues that a reader may experience themselves but also includes some light humour and romance.
I would really recommend this book particularly for teens who enjoy chick-lit.
4 out of 5
- Esjae xo
Snapchat: stazzyhubbs
Youtube: Bowling George Style
StandardYoutube: Minstrel Challenge Round 2
StandardYoutube: Minstrel Challenge Round 1
StandardYoutube: Two Girls One Dance
StandardYoutube: I Fall Off The Bed
StandardThis is one of my favourite videos from my first year of uni.
- Esjae xo
Snapchat: stazzyhubbs
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Review: Girl 99 by Andy P Jones
StandardWilliam Fisher is on a mission to bring the total number of his sexual conquests up to 100.
During the course of his quest he sleeps with a colleague, a colleague of a friend, a friend of a friend, a friend of a friend’s wife, the estate agent selling his flat, and several more besides. Everything is going, if not well, then at least according to plan … and then Fisher goes and ruins it all by falling for Girl 99.
Girl 99 is a story about love, sex and the sticky area in between.
Before I started this book I was entirely sure if I was going to enjoy it, however I was very surprised.
I loved this book! - The plot was written so well, it was believable funny and at points relatable I was drawn in right from the first page. All of the relationships, and friendships (Particularly between Fisher and his best friend El) were believable and made the book flow really well.
I also found it refreshing to read from a man's point of view as it is normally written from a female's perspective.
This book would make a great read for both male and female, ideal for a plane journey or on the beach.
5 out of 5
- Esjae xo
Review: Perfect Summer by Kailin Gow
StandardThis was a great sequel to the first book but it would also make a great read for anyone who hasn't already read the first book.
The characters as in the first book were relatable and also very believable. The overall plot is well written and enjoyable to read particularly as you become very involved in the characters lives.
I would recommend this book for older teens and young adults due to the content - it would make a great read for the summer.
5 out of 5
- Esjae xo
Review: Putting Boys on the Ledge by Stephanie Rowe
StandardThis was a nice easy read ideal for teenagers who do not read very much. Its the kind of book that you could quite happily read in one sitting as the plot flows so well.
The characters were engaging and fun, some people may also find them and the plot to be relatable. Although the plot was relatively predictable this didn't draw away from the enjoyment of the overall book.
4 out of 5
- Esjae xo
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Life: I miss university
StandardAfter tonight I have definitely decided that I miss uni. Its not even 9pm and I'm already sat in bed because there is nothing else to do. Well I could do some of my assignment that isn't due until September, but I have the whole summer to do it (famous last words).
Friday, 19 April 2013
Poem: My Point Of View
StandardStruggling to act like I don't care
You got yourself into this mess
I wish I could pretend that I couldn't careless
I've tried helping you time and time again
But there's no helping you
It's not a question of if but when
It's almost like you can't help the things you do
Acting out like you have no clue
Especially about how much your hurting everyone around you
I wish you could see that what you're doing isn't right
And that you could appreciate why we've all put up such a fight
Your not only damaging yourself
Through ruining your health
But your making it hard to love you
When you do all the things you do
I wish there was something I could do to stop it all
You don't know what its like to watch you fall
Deeper into that blac khole that takes over all of you
I just wish you knew
What all of this does to me
And then maybe you would see
What its like living this life from my point of view
- Esjae xo
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
StandardBack to the beginning of the day (now in fact yesterday). I had the worst nights sleep, my body wanted to be alive but my brain didn't want to be and they couldn't agree. It was truly devastating, especially at 9am when I finally decided to leave my bed and start doing things with the day.
I decided to go shopping. SURPRISE! (well not really but ya know!)
I got myself some new glasses (the drinking kind not the, oh look I'm blind type) as I have recently discovered I have broken one of mine and 2 have cracks in them, I also got two uber awesome blankets - a Toy Story one (yet another surprise) and a VW Camper Van one (my love for these beautiful beasts still lives on).
My day after my trip to the shops was slightly less productive, hence why I had to stay up all night to finish this assignment. See that is dedication for you!
Myself and Rachael had an uber awesome conversation with Katie-Jo who has yet grace us with her presence - she is longing out her Easter break, like really GET YO ASS BACK BIATCH.
I'm casually trying to kill time until I have to go into uni to print my assignment out and hand it in...
- Stacey xo
Monday, 15 April 2013
Poem: Your Inner Wealth
StandardWhen all your feeling in your head is negativity
Its like when your life is moving so fast and all you want is for it to slow down
Longing for a little bit of simplicity
Just to create a safer place for your mentality
See some people spend all their time searching for money, fame and fortune
So when they have something good its almost as if they've become immune
Sometimes your the only one putting your life under attack
If that happens its time to take a step back,
Look at all the things you have in your life
And appreciate the people around you
Mother, brother, sister, father, husband, wife
They are all there to support you in the things you do
If you're losing faith in yourself
Look inside you for your inner wealth
- Esjae xo
Sunday, 14 April 2013
StandardSaturday, 13 April 2013
Poem: Just Get To Know Me
StandardDoesn't mean I believe everything ends just like a fairytale
I see the news each night
I hear the sirens attending another deadly fight
I might be nineteen
But that doesn't mean
I live up to the stereotype I'm believed to be
I'm my own person, I'm me
Look at me from the outside, tell me what do you see
I'm just another lost human being trying to follow my path in life
But yet somehow society is telling me I should be carrying a knife
I'm telling you that's not right, its definitely not me, and I don't want to take another's life
I want to stand up and show the world that we aren't all the same
You perceive us in our teens as though we all play at life as though its a game
But trust me, take it from me, we aren't all the same
You judge me because of the negativity you see on you TV screens
You see us as all the same, truth is, we only have one thing in common, we're in our teens
Don't judge me on what you see externally
Just because I have my hood up doesn't mean you have to look at me nervously
I promise you I was brought up with good manners, I'll say please and thank you
I might forget occasionally but trust me theres people older than me that don't do it at all
Your judging me on all this negativity
That you have created by looking at a small minority
Its about time that the bigger picture was taken into consideration
Because right now there is a whole population filled with alot of frustration
So don't judge me on what you think I should be
Don't judge me on what you think you should see
It's quite simple, just get to know me
- Esjae xo
Friday, 12 April 2013
Officially the best procrastinator!
StandardI have had a very (un)productive day looking through photos, watching videos I've found on my laptop which I then proceeded to upload to youtube (you can have a gander here - if you feel so inclined). I nearly finished the book I got on my Kindle last night but its hit that point where its not very interesting a bit boring so I'm avoiding reading when really I could just get this little bit over with and get to a more exciting part.
I also got a tattoo today... not a real one, a transfer, I'm too poor to get a real one right now.
It was a spongebob one that my Mum applied for me - doesn't it look wonderful!
I also lost four of my fingers today when my Dad decided he wanted to practice his refreshed first aider skills as he has just become requalified as a first aider.
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Why am I so productive?!
StandardI got out of bed stupidly early because this mysterious headachy illness that has decided it wants a loving relationship with me (trust me it is not loving from this side) won't leave, I have tried to separate from it kindly by sleeping but I had to resort to some paracetamol today. The worst part, the paracetamol HASN'T worked! Well it did a little bit but not entirely.
I was so productive...
After refreshing facebook and twitter far too many times I decided to roll out of bed, quite literally as it stopped my head from hurting as much. I decided to attempt to get some sympathy from my mother and went to visit her in her bedroom although she wasn't as sympathetic as I had hoped with my visit at 8.30am (lets be honest, it really isn't all that early!!).
I contemplated going to back to bed but I debated with myself for a while about how I could start my day earlier and then get more of my assignment done... (theory is always so good, never really as good when put into practice). I went downstairs in search of Charlie (my laptop - yes I name these things!) and had the obligatory morning cuddle with Alfie (at least someone loves me and showed me some form of sympathy) I was so happy to see that the many people I subscribe to on YouTube had uploaded new videos which I happily watched and then settled on my daily Home and Away catch up (love that show). I then proceeded to watch This Morning got to love a bit of Holly Willoughby and the Schofield in the morning - I watch/ catch up on far too much television than what is good for you.
I have spent virtually all day reading that blog is beautiful, she is so ridiculously funny. My Mum has been asking me all day what is so funny and I have told her if she had been sympathetic towards me and my unwanted relationship with my headache she may have been able to share my enjoyment but as she didn't offer me ANY sympathy I refused to tell her. I gave in eventually and she appreciated the post I was reading as much as I did - but that isn't the point it's the principle of it that matters!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Easter so far!
StandardSo far my Easter holidays have been pretty crazy!
On the first night back I went to the pub with my Mum, Tasha and Debbie (my Auntie who I often refer to as Debster). That evening was filled with playing pool, dancing and singing to the jukebox. All in all it was a good evening.
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Mum & Me |
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Me and Tasha |
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Me and Me |
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Me trying to get a picture of Me and Debster |
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Action shot of Mum playing pool |
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Another action shot of Mum playing pool |
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Tasha and her J2O |
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Sneaky shot of Mum |
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Sneaky shot of Debbie |
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Me :) |
For Easter my Mum and Dad got us two eggs each, Alfie thought I would be sharing mine - which I didn't!
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The first night was Chinese, as you can see Aaron was excited by this! |
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Chinese! |
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Laura, Abi and Alexi's team dance. |
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Mel and Tom |
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Abi, Laura, Tom and Mel |
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Me, Tom and George |
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Fred, George and Tom |
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Me and George doing karaoke |
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Me and George - quick break from karaoke |
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The karaoke crew (minus George) - Fred, Alexi, Abi, Me and Tom |
After work I have found myself to be very tired and have often crashed out on the sofa and a on a few nights Alfie has joined me:
It has actually been quite weird to be so busy during the holidays, I think part of the reason why I may have become ill was as a result of being so tired.
I'm looking forward to going back to Bournemouth on Saturday and getting back into my more chilled out life.
- Stacey xo
Friday, 29 March 2013
Poem: What I’m Here To Do
StandardI may never come first
And I'm used to coming last
But none of that matters to me
Because all I really want to see
Is you becoming what you set out to be
I want to see you smile
And I mean more that once in a while
I don't want to see anymore tears running down your cheeks
Even if you're feeling really down and incredibly weak
Trust me, I know, you're stronger than you think
I'll do my best to support you with whatever you go through
Because that's what I'm here to do
That's quite simply, to be there for you.
- Esjae xo
Poem: When I Don’t Belong
StandardI know when I don't belong
That's why right now I'm contemplating getting gone
I don't want to be here
If you don't want me near
I've always tried to do my best by you
All I ever wanted was appreciation for the things I do
Instead you throw it back in my face
Telling me that I don't belong in this place
That I mean nothing to you and I'm just a waste of space
I don't need telling twice
I've tried playing nice
Even after you pushed me away
I still tried to stay
Maybe it was the wrong thing to do
But all I wanted to was be there for you
And in my head I just knew
That you wouldn't be able to do it alone
I've left, I've gone, but if you need me just pick up the phone
It's not that I don't care
You just made me feel like I didn't belong there
I hope one day you'll see
That you'll always mean something to me
- Esjae xo
Friday, 15 March 2013
What has happened in life.
Quite literally, so much has happened. But at the same time it feels like not a lot has happened. Crazy really, just saying!
Well freshers has quite obviously ended and I have been chucked into the student world of being broke and having to amuse myself. I have learnt what my housemates are really like once you get to know them, first impressions aren't always right!
I have started writing this with no idea of where it is going, the main reason I have found myself back at this blog is because everyone in my house has gone to bed, at 11pm, on a Friday night!
So lets see what comes to mind from the first few months of uni and I'll see if I can find pictures & videos to illustrate the awesomeness of what has happened in my life as a student. (they probably won't be in order of when they happen)
So after we all moved in we had a roast dinner cooked by yours truly:
As you can see everyone looks really happy an not at all worried about the food they are about to consume!
We are obviously the most awesome students in the whole of Bournemouth and decided to 'bond' over a few games of Jenga as a result of the internet not working properly:
Yes, I did tape her hands together. It's okay I let her go after...
There are loads more pictures but I shall add these another time, it is tiring looking through photos. I need to sleep. For a long time. I am student - I am allowed to.
- Esjae xo
Ps I fall off things a lot:
*Please note we were all sober when this happened.*